About Shaoore Wilayat Foundation

Ghadeer and Wilayat is the foundation of our faith and character. It is the vain of life of our culture. We have been living in its light and shall keep dying for it. Its root are observed in the divine qur’anic verses. And it was preserved and protected by our beloved Prophet (SAWW) for a continuous period of 23 year. Having considered the value and gravity of the announcement at Ghadeer about Wilayat, Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) had commanded to propagate and spread the message of Ghadeer to every individual.
There is a similar kind of quote related to it- "ALA-FALABYAHUL-SHAHADUL GHAYAB" This particular quote of Rasool-E-Akram is still enlightens our mind that we should convey and propagate this message to every nook and corner of the world. Considering this quotes of our beloved Prophet (SAWW) as our first and foremost responsibility we have laid the foundation of an organization named- Sha'oor-E-Wilayat Foundation.
The prime objective for establishing such an institution is not only spreading the message of Wilayat and Imamat of Ameerul Momaneen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S) but also to publish and promote knowledge that all we could compile and publish about the successors of Prophet (SAWW). To achieve the above mentioned goal the Sha'oor-E-Wilayat Foundation has been divided into the following departments:

Department of QUR'AN

Department of Research and Compilation

Department of Education and Upbringing

Department of Web Development

Department of Library

Department of Scholars/Scholarly Teaching

Department of Publication

Department of Cultural upliftment


  1. To conduct seminar and programs all over the country to attract and motivate the youth towards the Holy Book and its Teaching.
  2. To motivate youth for memorizing the Qur'anic verses.
  3. To conduct classes related to the translation and explanation of the Qur'anic verses.
  4. To collect the Qur'anic verses for the preachers of Islam, related to their topic.
  5. To conducting classes related to the knowledge of the Qur'an.
  6. To collect books written on Qur'an and the related books as well.
  7. To organize quiz competition on the topic of Qur'an.
  1. As per the need of the hour for the society, research and compilation of the text relating to Ghadeer and Wilayat for a better understanding of the mentioned topic.
  2. Translation of Arabic and Persian books into Urdu.
  3. To collect and distribute the work and experience of the respected scholars and translation of the same into Urdu.
  4. To publish and distribute the book those have already been written.
  5. To organize the seminar where on the topic of Ghadeer and Wilayat, discussion and oration may be conducted with the eminent scholars participating in it.
  6. According to the need of today's generation, taking the help from the internet, publishing and distributing articles related to Ghadeer and Wilayat.
  7. Conducting special classes to answer the various the various queries arising and clearing the doubt regarding Ghadeer and Wilayat.
  8. To organize a quiz competition on the topic of 'Wilayat and Islam' which would help to interest the youth and connect them to the topic.
  1. To arrange the book of basic and surface knowledge on the topic of Ghadeer and Wilayat which can be easily understood by the children (beginners).
  2. To collect the high levelled books on the topic of Ghadeer and Wilayat.
  3. To conduct Islamic classes for the women of the society.
  4. To conduct special classes for the women on the topic of ghadeer in the month of Zilhijja.
  5. To conduct special classes for the women on the topic of "Islamic commandment (Ahkaam-E-Deen)"
  6. To conduct quiz session after the completion of the classes.
  1. To propagate the message of Prophet Muhammad and his family and successor via web world.
  2. To distribute and communicate the already written and translated book on internet.
  3. Regular reminders on the birth and death anniversaries of our Imams and related articles to be shared via internet.
  4. To answer various questions especially regarding Wilayat, over the internet.
  5. To share and upload the important books of Shi'as, related to the Ghadeer and Wilayat on the internet.
  6. To upload the debates and discussion (videos) that has been made between Shi'a and Sunni Scholars on the topic of Ghadeer and Wilayat.
  7. To update and upload Islamic question and their answers online.
  8. To distribute CDs on the Islamic topics regarding Ghadeer and Wilayat.
  9. To collect and distribute the most important topics and discussions via CDs.
  10. To collect CDs related to Ghadeer and Wilayat.
  11. To collect, Publish and distribute various CDs available on the topic of Ghadeer nad Wilayat.
  1. To collect, publish and share all about Prophet Mohammed (SAWW) and his family via library.
  2. To build a permanent building for library where all the text related work can be carried out.
  3. To make books available in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Persian and English which are related to Islamic education and its culture.
  4. To evaluate the interest of children in book reading.
  5. To make youth and children so much aware of Shi'a-Islam and Quran so they could answer back themselves all objection and question that arise against the shi'a-failth.
  6. To make available the books regarding Islamic, cultural and moral knowledge as per the needs of people.
  7. To translate, collect and share the books of dignified Sunni scholars.
  8. To organize book reading competitions in the library.
  9. To make a proper, organized list of the books available in the library.
  10. To build a good relationship with the educational institutions all over the country.
  1. To send the Scholars to different parts to spread and preach people the importance of months like Ramadhan, Muharram, Safar, 2,3,4 Jamadussani(Ayyam-E-Fatimiya).
  2. To contact native scholars of different places to conduct scholarly programs in the month of Zilhijja regarding Ghadeer in their respective towns.
  3. To conduct special classes for the scholars themselves before such programs.
  1. To publish a quarterly magazine about Ghadeer and Wilayat.
  2. To motivate students to do research and pen down informative (quality) articles.
  3. To elevate the current status of minds of people (readers).
  4. To collect and publish the knowledge and morals of Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.w) and his family.
  1. To organize gathering on the birth and death anniversaries of our Masoomeens.
  2. To organize grand events on Islamic Eids, especially on Eid-e-Ghadeer.
  3. To publish short but informative articles on some important dates.
  4. To organize a conference on the topic of 'Eid-e-Ghadeer'.
  5. To expand, renovate and decorate Mosques and Imambargahs.
  6. To motivate the youth to spread the divine message of Islam.
  7. Not only these, but there are even more things can be done to spread and promote the Islamic message.